About Us


    Penang has had a long performing arts history dating back to the days when street performances like Chinese Opera were popular and enjoyed by people from all walks of life. Then came English language theatre with the influx of expatriates. Since then, the performing arts scene has grown leaps and bounds, producing amazing talents who have made their mark internationally and attracting international acts to Penang. As a Penangite, it has always been the wish of The Actors Studio’s Co-Founder Dato’ Faridah Merican to create a space that will allow the arts to flourish further in her home state. After building Malaysia’s first privately-owned theatre with her husband Joe Hasham OAM underneath Dataran Merdeka in 1995 and another theatre in Bangsar Shopping Centre in 2001, an opportunity to head North came shortly after. Joe and Faridah took up the offer of a small space at Lebuh Light from an old advertising friend who was heading the Zhong Zheng School memorial centre and The Actors Studio @ Greenhall opened in 2002. However, the space had to be closed down in 2009 which sparked a new search for another home for The Actors Studio in Penang.



    The Actors Studio joined hands with Eastern & Oriental Berhad to establish the Performing Arts Centre of Penang (penangpac). A nonprofit organisation to serve the community at large, penangpac is the Northern region’s first arts centre and only the second one in Malaysia after klpac. In addition, it is the very first arts centre located in a retail development. The partnership saw that E&O provided the space, fund the construction and provided the team to build the arts centre while The Actors Studio designed the space and will oversee the operations of the centre. As with arts centres around the world, it will depend on additional funding from the private and public sector in order for it to be sustainable in the long-term. The opening of penangpac on 11.11.11 at 11.am. will go down in history as an important milestone in the history of Malaysian performing arts. Penang Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng officiated the opening during its inaugural performance. In conjunction with its launch, penangpac presented over 30 different performances involving hundreds of artistes from Penang and beyond. The free-for-public performances enabled Penangites to get a taste of what the arts centre is about and what it can offer in the future.



    Penang has a ready supply of artistic talent and creativity as well as a strong demand for artistic offerings but it lacked the infrastructure. penangpac will be the catalyst to bring the arts industry in the Northern region to a whole new level. Besides being a venue provider, penangpac will present a varied programme of artistic offerings in all genres of the arts featuring both local and international works, run educational programmes to nurture new talent particularly in the young as well as outreach programmes to bring the arts to those who would otherwise not have access to it.



    Important Milestones

    The Actors Studio’s history is inevitably linked to that of penangpac as one without the other would not have existed and both serves the same purpose which is to advance the performing arts in Penang and also in the Northern Region.

    2002, 9 Aug

    The Actors Studio opened its doors in Penang at Lebuh Light
    (Zhong Zheng School memorial centre)


    The Actors Studio @ Greenhall was closed down and the team looked for an alternate space

    2009, Mar

    Talks between The Actors Studio and Eastern & Oriental Berhad began on the possibilty of establishing an arts centre in Penang

    2010, 20 Oct

    Signing ceremony between The Actors Studio and Eastern & Oriental Berhad on the establishment of penangpac, witnessed by Penang Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng

    2011, 22 Apr

    Groundbreaking of penangpac

    2011, 2 Nov

    Construction of the arts centre was completed

    2011, 11 Nov

    Opening of penangpac, officiated by Penang Chief Minister YAB Lim Guan Eng



    Stage 1

    303- seater proscenium theatre with fixed seating & raised stage

    Stage 2

    120-seater black box theatre with modular seating (seating structure can be removed completely)


    3 multi-functional studios for rehearsals, classes, events & talks


    2 gallery spaces for visual arts exhibitions

    Production Office

    for each theatre for hirers to use / work from

    • Dressing Rooms
    • Merchandise Counter & Bar
    • Box Office for Ticketing
    • Administration Office
    • Utility & Laundry Room
    • Props & Costume Store
    • Loading Bay

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