- Published on Monday, 16 March 2015
- Hits: 1968
ACX MINI WAYANG FESTIVAL 2015我愛迷你影戲嘉年華 2015
ACX Productions & The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat proudly bring you ACX MINI WAYANG FESTA, includes 2 amazing puppet shows from Malaysia and Thailand - NANA & AH LU (ACX Productions, Malaysia) and THE SETTLERS (Homemade Puppet Group).
“我愛工作室”與藝人館全民劇場聯合為大家帶來《我愛迷你影戲嘉年華》,演出了來自馬來西亞“我愛工作室”的《娜娜與阿鹿》(NANA & AH LU) 以及泰國 Homemade Puppet Group 的《THE SETTLERS》這兩齣精彩迷你影戲。
Nana and Ah Lu by ACX Productions (Malaysia) | 《娜娜與阿鹿》("我愛工作室",馬來西亞) Deep in the forest, there live a clever little elf named Nana and her best friend Ah Lu. They love to play in the forest and help the other animals who live there. Uncle Tiger who was the former king of the forest live alone in the cave. He dislike to mix around with other and this is why everybody dislike him as well. Only Nana and Ah Lu are willing to help Uncle Tiger to clean his house. One day, Nana found a rainbow mushroom, which apparently is the “gem of the forest”, inside a tree bark. At the night, evil spirits begin to spread around in this beautiful and peaceful forest. The next day, a series of unusual events begin to take place. Mr. Lion who is the current king of the forest also got involved in this disaster. After a great battle, will the forest return to its peaceful and harmonious...
Wayang Nana and Ah Lu was official selected and performed in Harmony World Puppet Carnival 2014 in Bangkok. This wayang musical merges a contemporary style of puppetry with a combination of puppets and humans in the show. Filled with humour and packed with action, this is a lovely theatre experience to be enjoyed by children and families aged 4 and above.
儿童音乐剧《娜娜与阿鹿》于2013年大马《精彩十分艺术节Short+Sweet Malaysia Festival》荣获最佳女配角及艺术大奖。2014年11月1日至10日,从847部世界竞选作品中脱颖而出,与80个国家和121艺术团体共襄盛举,以影戏儿童音乐剧代表我国赴泰国曼谷参加“世界偶剧嘉年华2014”。
Please visit ACX Productions website at :
The Settlers by Homemade Puppet (Thailand) The story is about space creatures who try to find a planet to settle in. The search takes so long time until they find a suitable planet which has another group of local creatures on it. The settlement starts, time passes, number of the settlers grows, but, conversely, the locals gradually disappear. Until there are no more locals can be found on the planet, the settlers need to leave this planet to find another one that they can settle in, with an anxiety if they would ever find any planet they can really live on. "Just another trip to find another planet to live..."
This show has been performed for the first time in Singapore, hosted by Paper Monkey Theatre, 2012 November, 9 performances were shown to children, artists, and general audience.
由泰國 Homemade Puppet Group 所帶來的《The Settlers》,此劇也曾于泰國及新加坡演出,深獲好評。《The Settlers》將是 Homemade Puppet Group 首次來馬的演出。
Homemade Puppet (Thailand) Founded in 2012, and just like a homemade bakery shop, Some puppets are for our own meals, some are gifts for friends, and some are for sale. We start from ordinary shadow puppet recipes, but we also search for new ones along the way. The bun is good by the taste, so does our Homemade Puppet. Please visit Homemade Puppet blog at :
Executive Producer | 執行製作 : Dato' Faridah Merican Artistic Director | 藝術總監 : Joe Hasham OAM Producer | 製作人 : Easee Gan Graphic Designer | 平面設計 : Joel Wong
NANA & AH LU | 娜娜與阿鹿
Director | 導演 : Amelia Tan Writer | 劇作 : Simon Lee Music Composer | 編曲 : Jian Ning Sound Composer | 音效 : Yueh Yi Puppet Designer | 戲偶設計 : ShuAnn Lai Puppeteers | 操偶師 : Jinnie Lim, Jocelyn Tan, Swing Ching & Ak Siah
Director | 導演 : Sutarath Sinnong Puppeteers | 操偶師 : Sutarath Sinnong & Sirikarn Bunjongtad
1. Promotions NON stackable / mutually exclusive | 優惠促銷以不重疊為主。
2. penangpac does NOT take ticket reservations | 訂票恕不受理,請直接購票以確保您的座席。
3. ANY exchanges/refunds will NOT be entertained for every ticket sold | 門票售出, 恕不退換。
4. 1 ticket admits 1 person only (lap-seating is NOT allowed). Children must be supervised by a parent / guardian at all time and may be asked to leave the theatre in the event of disturbances | 每人需持票入場(不允許懷抱孩童觀劇)。孩童必須時刻處在家長的監管下。
5. Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to any ticket holder to uphold the quality of the performance | 主辦單位有權以維護觀劇品質為由,拒絕觀眾入場。
6. Latecomers will face the risk of NOT being admitted once the performance has begun. No refunds will be made | 遲到者須自行承擔不被演出單位允許入場的風險, 門票恕不退換。
7. Please plan your journey wisely to avoid traffic jam, lack of parking space, or bad weather | 請妥善規劃行程,以避開交通阻塞,停車位難尋等問題。
INQUIRY | 詢問 :
Please contact penangpac @ +604-899 1722 / 2722 (10am - 6:30pm, daily) |