Sinbad the Musical
- Published on Tuesday, 11 February 2014
- Hits: 3784
SINBAD the Musical辛巴達 魔海奇航 音樂劇
[ENGLISH] SINBAD is wonderful new musical for the whole family set in the fun-filled and exciting world of the Arabian Nights.
In our story Sinbad arrives in the city to find it under the spell of an evil vizier who has imprisoned the true king and enslaved his beautiful daughter Yasmin.
It doesn’t take Sinbad long to join with the citizens to overthrow this menace. Along the way he meets the magical Fatimah, the grizzled old General and a host of colourful characters.
Featuring 18 original songs, a cast of 40 and a 9 piece band Sinbad is the first truly Malaysian Australian Co-production featuring artists and creative team composed of the best both countries have to offer.
Does Sinbad find romance with the beautiful princess? Save the town and defeat the evil vizier?
We can’t answer that now – you’ll have to come and see the show!
[中文] 辛巴達 魔海奇航 是一齣嶄新的英語音樂劇,絕對能讓您全家大小一起暢航在阿拉伯天方夜譚中的神秘海洋!
在我們的 辛巴達 魔海奇航 中,辛巴達來到了一座被施與魔咒的城市,發現真正的國王被邪惡的大臣囚禁了,而美麗的公主 雅絲敏 也被大臣所奴役。
辛巴達 隨即加入民眾推翻邪惡大臣統治的行列,並在這精彩刺激的冒險途中遇到了神奇的 法蒂瑪、白髮斑斑的老將軍與一眾多姿多彩的角色。
本音樂劇匯集了馬來西亞與澳洲的音樂劇創作天才與演員,為藝人館 (The Actor Studio) 迄今最大型的製作,其中包含了 40 名演員、18 首原創歌舞與一個 9 人樂隊,絕對讓您大呼過癮,值回票價!
Director (Malaysia / Australia) | 導演(馬來西亞 / 澳洲): Joe Hasham OAM
Executive Producer (Malaysia) | 執行製作(馬來西亞) : Dato' Faridah Merican
Executive Producer (Australia) | 執行製作(澳洲) : Ric Herbert
Story, Book, Lyrics (Austrialia) | 故事、劇本與歌詞(澳洲) : Mark Cleary
Composer (Australia) | 作曲(澳洲) : Drue Hoile
Arranger (Australia) | 編曲(澳洲) : Andy Peterson
Musical Director (Malaysia) | 音樂劇總監(馬來西亞) : Shen Ching
Choreographer (Malaysia) | 編舞(馬來西亞) : Lex Lakshman
Production Designer (London / Malaysia) | 製作設計(倫敦 / 馬來西亞) : Paul Loosley
Featuring | 演員 :
Mikey Hart, Siena Elchaar, Ric Herbert, Pearl Herbert, Gene Sharudyn, Sarimah Ibrahim, Omar Ali, Ohna Guisadio, Alfred Loh and Patrick Teoh with Anrie Too, Michael Chen, Lex Lakshman, Priscilla Wong, Zamil Idris, Raja Shah Irshad, Sunita Chiu, Vale Vincent Wong, Sani Zainuddin, Jayson Phuah, Alvin Looi, Nick Dorian, Ping Khoo, Camillea Benjamin, Badrika Bahadur, Nurjennah Mat Amin, Badrish Bahadur, Chuan Lee Ann, Melissa Ong, Vivian Chan, Nur Nabilah Abdul Hamid, Amir Hazril Mohd Harith, Riena Aisya Rinaldi, Vanessa Wu, Rebecca Alvey, Sophia Anderson, Alvin Teoh, Tika Mu’tamir and Stefan Anderson.
INQUIRY / 詢問 :
Please contact penangpac @ +604-899 1722 / 2722
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