- Published on Saturday, 30 May 2015
- Hits: 1467
Organized by Pointe Art Academy (PAA), a ballet school located at Butterworth, Penang is proud to present their 1st charity ballet performance by youngster and children named as “Spread Loves through Rhythm” (SLTR). The charity performance is also endorsed by Penang’s Women, Family and Community Development Committee. This event will be held in Performing Arts Center of Penang (penangpac), Straits Quay, Penang at 7.30pm on 13 June. The performance will bring you seven amazing ballet dance performances and a violin performance, fully performed by young dancers from the school. The main objective of the performance is mainly to promote the concept of “children helping children”. Performance will be carried out by the students from the schools, to raise funds for the less fortunate children. Proceeds from the tickets will be donated to “2 Way Centre”, a center which caters for children and adolescents with special needs. It is a non-profit organization governed by the Mental Health Association of Penang (MHA) in Penang Island, which has extended their services to Bukit Mertajam and Kulim. The young students from the academy have been preparing for more than 9 months to bring the audience an unforgettable evening. Through performance, Pointe Art Academy also wishes to spread hope, love and care as well as to create awareness to the audiences and the participants towards children and adolescents with special needs.
來自檳城北海的 Pointe Art Academy 年輕芭蕾舞蹈員特別為他們的第一屆慈善演出“Spreas Loves through Rhythm” (SLTR) 讓愛動起來!這個慈善演出獲得檳城婦女、家庭與社會發展委員會支持。
1. Promotions NON stackable / mutually exclusive | 優惠促銷以不重疊為主。
2. penangpac does NOT take ticket reservations | 訂票恕不受理,請直接購票以確保您的座席。
3. ANY exchanges/refunds will NOT be entertained for every ticket sold | 門票售出, 恕不退換。
4. 1 ticket admits 1 person only (lap-seating is NOT allowed). Children must be supervised by a parent / guardian at all time and may be asked to leave the theatre in the event of disturbances | 每人需持票入場(不允許懷抱孩童觀劇)。孩童必須時刻處在家長的監管下。
5. Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to any ticket holder to uphold the quality of the performance | 主辦單位有權以維護觀劇品質為由,拒絕觀眾入場。
6. Latecomers will face the risk of NOT being admitted once the performance has begun. No refunds will be made | 遲到者須自行承擔不被演出單位允許入場的風險, 門票恕不退換。
7. Please plan your journey wisely to avoid traffic jam, lack of parking space, or bad weather | 請妥善規劃行程,以避開交通阻塞,停車位難尋等問題。
INQUIRY | 詢問 :
Please contact penangpac @ +604-899 1722 / 2722 (10am - 6:30pm, daily) |