One day a boy finds an aeroplane in his cupboard. Up,up,up and away he flies, high into the sky. Whizzing past clouds, stars and planets until suddenly, he runs out of petrol! Miles from the earth, the boy crashes into the moon and waits. Just as he beginning to get cold and lonely, a friendly Martian appears from the darkness, also with a broken aircraft.

RM 84.80 for VIP
RM 68.90 for Premium
RM 53 for Economy
OKU Promotion : 50% off on normal ticket price, up to 2 tickets per card. RM42.40 for VIP, RM34.45 for Premium & RM26.50 for Economy.
Family Package (purchase of 4 tickets) : RM318 for 4 VIP seats (RM79.50 per ticket) , RM248 for 4 Premium seats (RM62 per ticket)
School Rate : RM47.70 (call +6012-230 2469)
Please click on READ MORE for seating plan
Get tickets from TicketPro or call penangpac at 04-899 1722 / 2722