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Taklimat Keharmonian Masyarakat kepada staf MPSP
GRPB Fasa 3 Kg Sg Chenaam
Bengkel Pemberdayaan Komuniti Siri 3
Taklimat Gangguan Seksual & Keganasan Rumah Tangga-MPPP
Pelancaran Kontrak Komuniti Pembersihan PPR Jalan Sungai

The GRB Project Outputs

    Our GRB project has five outputs.

    Output 1: An enabling and supportive environment within Penang Local Government for GRB implementation and institutionalisation

    An enabling and supportive environment is essential for successful implementation and institutionalisation of GRB. This is being achieved through establishing a formal structure for GRB, with a State-chaired Steering Group (membership including both YDPs and councillors and officers from each municipal council) and a GRB Working Group in each respective council. In addition, partnership projects and regular feedback and discussions within the various government buildings help advocate the benefits of GRB : the opening up of the budget process and the strategic advantages of collecting/using sex-disaggregated data.

    Output 2: GRB implementation of selected pilot community services

    This second output is central to GRB. It demonstrates the GRB project’s commitment to working with communities as a key part of the opening up of the budget process of local government. The approach in PPR Jalan Sungai and PPR Ampangan follows a four-stage process of involvement on the community in identifying and helping meet their own needs. Our work in Taman Gemilang represents an explicit partnership with MPSP’s LA21 Jawatankuasa Kecemerlangan Wanita. This community work also generates data which is being used for further project and programme planning. The work done with communities also complements the work done with State, MPPP and MPSP officers: GRB aims to bring together service providers and service users in a positive exchange to identify the different needs of different people and together find best solutions.

    Output 3: Sex-disaggregated databank developed and established

    One of GRB’s premises is that there is considerable benefit to be derived from a coherent and consistent use of sex-disaggregated data. Not only can data help assess the present impact of services provided by local government, but the methodology of data collection can also help get great feedback from communities and people in identifying positives and gaps. Of course the data needs to be disaggregated by various indicators, not least sex-disaggregation. This allows the understanding that ‘different people have different needs’ and can help inform the formulation of gender responsive policies – policies that become translated tangibly as services and facilities that cater to the differing needs of the residents of the two municipalities in question.

    Output 4: Capacity development in GRB methodology and tools

    Another factor in any successful implementation of GRB is the building of capacity for those involved/likely to be involved in GRB. This includes officers within the municipal buildings as well as community leaders, residents and other stakeholders. We therefore provide a series of trainings to these different resource people, which is building a pool of human capital who can guide the implementation of the project as well as disseminate their skills and knowledge to other stakeholder groups in the project.

    Output 5: Increased public awareness and participation in LA budgeting

    Given that the participation of the users of public services – people in the communities of Penang - is seen as absolutely central to the success of GRB, generating public awareness and encouraging public participation in the local authority budgeting processes are similarly an essential part of the GRB strategy. We are therefore organise and/or participate in a variety of public events, producing materials for public distribution, and working with other groups and organisations to promote GRB understanding, publicity and advocacy.

    All the outputs are inter-connected and each is vital to the success of the project.
