
    This is a story of 10 women ..... A single mother, a courageous lady, a teacher, an artist, a savior, the dutiful one, a rape victim, an entrepreneur, the street dweller and a lawyer... There is Shakti in each woman. Do you see it in your mortal eyes? She is the every women that we pass by daily...
    這是一個關於 10 個女性 – 一位單親媽媽、一位勇者、一位教師、一位藝人、一位救主、一位孝女、一位性侵受害者、一位企業家、一位游民以及一位律師的故事 … 沙克蒂就在她們每一個人當中,你可以凡人之眼辨識?沙克蒂就在我們身旁 …



    RM 53 for ALL


    Get tickets from TicketPro or call penangpac at 04-899 1722 / 2722



    • stage 1, penangpac



    • 14 Feb 2015 (Sat) @ 7:30pm 
    • 15 Feb 2015 (Sun) @ 7:30pm 


    • Genre : Dance Theatre
    • Language : English & Tamil
    • Age Limit : > 12





    The feminine energy is seen as outcast, sex symbol and the weak embodiment ...but she is not someone that anyone to mess with...A woman is full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, transform and destroy.


    This is a story of 10 women ... A single mother, a courageous lady, a teacher, an artist, a savior, the dutiful one, a rape victim, an entrepreneur, the street dweller and a lawyer...There is Shakti in each woman. Do you see it in your mortal eyes? She is the every women that we pass by daily...


    A production that revolves around 10 women and their life. It is in fact, the facets of Shakti manifested in women herself...Vidhyas or wisdoms are symbolically shows the inner qualities of women .


    Shakti... Born and raised. Amidst the over possessive patriarchal society which demonizes single mother , out of twist a courageous lady stands against the odd and change the faith of her, then a teacher blesses her with education and wisdom, it is the career world in broadcasting that she meets an artist , outer world full of glamour and fame, but crying souls inside her. Shakti learns the truth... it is the friend who saves her from falling into trap of lust of unscrupulous men, before the tragedy struck a policewoman does her duty to nab the culprit , so she would not be another victim that was paralysed and taken advantage of cunning men, Shakti realised the victim need to be saved... Shakti brings her to a wealthy philanthropist , a charitable act to save young women from the evil world , but the vengeance and revenge of bad omen hunts Shakti down , to kill her off but saved a street dweller living in darkness... killing all the nemesis... a woman saves another women... the judgment day, the lawyer defends for the accused... for justice. For self-dignity , to teach a lesson to others to venerate the female form... Shakti is the eye of all journey... The women in her life....10 Vidyas...


    She is Kali
    She is Thirupusasundari

    She is Tara
    She is Bhuvaneshwari

    She is Bhairavi
    She is Chinnamasta
    She is Dhumavati
    She is Bagalamukhi
    She is Matangi
    She is Kamala





    女性常被視為軟弱的、可欺負的對象,但是你最好不要招惹她們 … 因為女性力量 – 沙克蒂 (Shakti) 就包含了生命中所有的面相 - 創造、哺育、改造與毀滅。


    這是一個關於 10 個女性 – 一位單親媽媽、一位勇者、一位教師、一位藝術家、一位救主、一位孝女、一位性侵受害者、一位企業家、一位游民以及一位律師的故事 … 沙克蒂就在她們每一個人當中,你可以凡人之眼辨識?沙克蒂就在我們身旁 …


    這齣舞劇描繪 10 位女性的人生,在在證實沙克蒂存在於她們當中,並從她們身上彰顯出真理與智慧。

    沙克蒂 ... 誕生並成長在一個妖魔化單親媽媽並唾罵一切異數的宗法社會迷霧中,一位教師以智慧澆灌了她,之後她在廣播界遇到了一位藝人,浮沈在酒醉金迷的花花世界中,她卻聽到自己的靈魂在哭泣。

    沙克蒂學到了真理 ... 一位朋友把她從性侵危險中解救出來,一位女警在悲劇發生之前逮捕了不法之徒,讓她免於成為另一位性侵受害者。沙克蒂覺得有義務幫助那性侵受害者,就把她帶到一位願意拯救這些受害女性的慈善家之處,此善舉卻招惹來報復,就在沙克蒂把一位游民從暗巷中救出來之時,她被殺了 ... 審判日,一位律師為著她的公義辯護 ...

    沙克蒂像一盞明燈,照亮女性的尊嚴 ... 她生命中的 10 位女性,就像 10 個真理 ...





    An artistic direction of Ray Mooventhiran


    FEATURING | 演出 :

    Reeneetha Veriah, Revathy Bawadass Kumar, Shamini Ramasamy, Kristina Vinokree, Swashna Moksha , Nitia Sree Vairamuthu, Madam Suriya Ramiah , Nazira Ibrahim, Rathika Thevi Muniandy , Shakti Maya , Suvathi Jaishree, Indrani Elil ( Shakti) , Aahmu Thirunayanam ( Bhuvaneswari), Ashiwini Jayabalan ( Bhairavi), Jamuna Rani Mogan( Matangi), Delani Tharmarajan (Tripurasundari) , Paviteran Raj ( Chinnamasta), Divwya Nair ( Bagalamukhi ), Sugitha Nadarajah ( Dhumavathi), Vickneswary Gunasegaran ( Kamala), Kannan Rajamanickam( Kali), Thinesh Rajaindren ( Tara) and Mohana Raj


    Ravi Shanker Rama Murthy, Guruvayur Usha Ramachandran, Rithaudeen Abdul Kadir, Lex Lakshman, Ravi Shanker, Rey Mooventhiran, Paviteranraj, Shirley Leong, Nanthakumar Maran and Annamalai Chandrasegaran


    DANCERS | 舞者 :
    Nantha Kumar Maran, Putra Abdul Rahman, Saran Kumar, Saranyan Selvaraj, Mohd. Azmi Sabaruddin, Elango, Mohanesh Kumar, Narendran, Inthiran Manikam, Sivaneshar Selvaveloo, Vedhasham, Selvanathan Ayerdurai, Shankar Seran, Janarthan and Esva Kanna


    Finale Dasamahavidya theme song written by Dr. Burn and voice by ever powerful and enigmatic Gayathri Vadivel 



    IMPORTANT NOTE | 購票須知 : 


    1. Promotions NON stackable / mutually exclusive | 優惠促銷以不重疊為主。


    2. penangpac does NOT take ticket reservations | 訂票恕不受理,請直接購票以確保您的座席。


    3. ANY exchanges/refunds will NOT be entertained for every ticket sold | 門票售出, 恕不退換。


    4. 1 ticket admits 1 person only (lap-seating is NOT allowed). Children must be supervised by a parent / guardian at all time and may be asked to leave the theatre in the event of disturbances | 每人需持票入場(不允許懷抱孩童觀劇)。孩童必須時刻處在家長的監管下。


    5. Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to any ticket holder to uphold the quality of the performance | 主辦單位有權以維護觀劇品質為由,拒絕觀眾入場。


    6. Latecomers will face the risk of NOT being admitted once the performance has begun. No refunds will be made | 遲到者須自行承擔不被演出單位允許入場的風險, 門票恕不退換。


    7. Please plan your journey wisely to avoid traffic jam, lack of parking space, or bad weather | 請妥善規劃行程,­以避開交通阻塞,停車位難尋等問題。



    INQUIRY | 詢問 : 


    Please contact penangpac @ +604-899 1722 / 2722

    (10am - 6:30pm, daily)