- Published on Thursday, 16 July 2015
- Hits: 1779
WILD WILD ROSE The Musical音樂劇野玫瑰之戀
Wild Wild Rose The Musical was adapted from the classic Mandarin movie(《野玫瑰之戀》) of the same name produced in 1960 by Cathay , in turn adapted from Bizet's opera "Carmen". Directed by Wang Tian Ling, the movie is a tale of seduction, love and betrayal between a sensuous singer and mediocre musician was considered a daring one in society then. Winning accolades worldwide, the movie was shortlisted as the best Chinese film of the past century. Staying true to the original plot and featuring widely popular songs from the movie such as《卡門》 (Carmen),《蝴蝶夫人》(Madame Butterfly),《說不出的快活》(Shuo bu chu de kuai huo), this Chinese musical is a colourful extravaganza capturing both the on-stage glamour and catching glimpses of the sorrow behind the nightclub entertainment scene.
Wild Wild Rose The Musical stars Perry Chiu and actor Zac Koo.The Musical promises to transport you back into the 1960s where song and dance ruled the night. Join us for a decadent night out!
國泰電影機構授權演出經典愛情名著「卡門」改編音樂劇 Wild Wild Rose《野玫瑰之戀》 改編自六十年代由王天林導演,葛蘭主演的同名經典電影《野玫瑰之戀》。 劇情簡介:年青有為的梁漢華(高皓正飾)到舊同學小劉(張家銘飾)工作的「麗池夜總會」當鋼琴師,因而遇上了顛倒眾生的歌星鄧思嘉(焦媛飾)。 一向愛把男人玩弄於掌上的她與眾樂師打賭,要在十日內令漢華也成為她裙下之臣,於是她故意對漢華百般挑逗。漢華初時對於這個「壞女人」欲拒還迎,後來卻發現她原來是極重情義及樂於助人,所以不禁愛上了她,同時思嘉也對漢華戲假成真。正當二人愛火盟生之際,誰知......
1. Promotions NON stackable / mutually exclusive | 優惠促銷以不重疊為主。
2. penangpac does NOT take ticket reservations | 訂票恕不受理,請直接購票以確保您的座席。
3. ANY exchanges/refunds will NOT be entertained for every ticket sold | 門票售出, 恕不退換。
4. 1 ticket admits 1 person only (lap-seating is NOT allowed). Children must be supervised by a parent / guardian at all time and may be asked to leave the theatre in the event of disturbances | 每人需持票入場(不允許懷抱孩童觀劇)。孩童必須時刻處在家長的監管下。
5. Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission to any ticket holder to uphold the quality of the performance | 主辦單位有權以維護觀劇品質為由,拒絕觀眾入場。
6. Latecomers will face the risk of NOT being admitted once the performance has begun. No refunds will be made | 遲到者須自行承擔不被演出單位允許入場的風險, 門票恕不退換。
7. Please plan your journey wisely to avoid traffic jam, lack of parking space, or bad weather | 請妥善規劃行程,以避開交通阻塞,停車位難尋等問題。
INQUIRY | 詢問 :
Please contact penangpac @ +604-899 1722 / 2722 (10am - 6:30pm, daily) |