Ugh. Okay, so Syiok Sendiri is back for its third show in just under 12 months. Quite frankly, I don't see what the hype is all about. What's so great about these guys? The actors are an absolute bore to watch, the writing is amateurish at best, and the directing...oh don't get me started on that. Clearly, the director does not understand performance and has no respect for Art. So they had a couple of sold out shows and the audience went wild. Big deal! I mean, who in their right mind would pay money to watch an explosive spectacle of turd and drivel?! Well, at least their tickets are cheap. So if your idea of a night out at the theatre is to indulge in such a sorry excuse for a comedy, then by all means, please go ahead. For those unfamiliar with the Syiok Sendiri brand of ha-has, it's not for the faint-hearted. You have been warned.
在各位笑迷的強烈呼籲下,笑神即將在今年 11 月捲土重來,為熱情的笑迷們帶來《笑神犀利 3:第三“髒”節》。膚淺的導演還是一如往常不尊重偉大的藝術,持續獻上那些大家還看不厭的撲克面孔、聽不膩的低俗笑話,不過,這麼便宜的票價,想必笑迷們一定不會期待太高啦,並且這是第三“髒”節,那些有政治或語言潔癖的人,應該也不會要求“乾淨”吧?