Commemorating the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death, The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat and penangpac present a modern tragedy “playing in the wings” of William Shakespeare’s King Lear, Marble Hearts is a new play that tells the stories of three sisters—Goneril, Regan, and Cordelia—who seek to find their own way in life as their aged and abusive father descends into insanity.
為了紀念莎士比亞逝世 400 週年,藝人館全民劇場 (The Actors Studio Seni Teater Rakyat) 將為觀眾帶來《頑石心》(MARBLE HEARTS) 。取材自莎士比亞著名悲劇《李爾王》(KING LEAR),《頑石心》講述李爾王的三個女兒 – 高納里爾、里根與寇蒂莉亞如何在她們那年邁、剛愎並逐漸陷入瘋狂的父王陰影下,走出屬於自己的生命道路。
