“There’s not much I can do.” This is the statement that we sometimes use, as a shield or even excuse from taking bigger responsibilities and doing more. The truth is that when we start with the intention of doing something small, it allows us to think on a much larger scale.The concept of BIG is to explore the possibilities of big things happening, by starting and initiating minute, small actions.
“我實在無能為力。” 這是一句我們時常用來當作擋箭牌的話語,也是我們擺脫付出更多努力與承擔更大責任的藉口。事實上,只要我們願意多做那麼一點點,就像踮起了一點點腳跟,這“一點點”或許就可以大大地開拓了我們的視野。這一次的創意人座談會 (IAM) 將探討小事如何成就大事。