Christmas Celebration and Bazaar

Every year in December the society glows with Christmas trees and decorations everywhere. Crafts, jewelleries and delicious holiday treats are on sale. Usually we have homemade cakes and cookies, coffee, Gluehwein, barbecued sausages, meatloaves and sauerkraut.

The children enjoy themselves and walk around with big smiles in their painted faces. They are always the happiest when “der Weihnachtsmann” comes walking around the corner. Every child receives a Christmas goodie bag with little gifts such as gingerbread, fruits and nuts.

With all the goodies and the programme for the adults and kids alike, we always have a wonderful Christmas at our Society!



What's going on

Mark the dates!
16 May: MaiBall, 6:30pm
23 & 24 October: Oktoberfest

Sunday, 12 April, 3pm
Concert: Three-in-One
Dewan Budaya, USM

Thursday, 23 April,10am

Friday, 8 May, 8:30pm
Movie Night: Inbetween Worlds





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