Message from the President

Dear Members, Sponsors, Friends and Visitors




The new Board of Management and
the new President were recently elected leading to
the new beginning after the very successful presidency of Karl Ebinger that lasted 8 years.

I am honoured to have this opportunity to preside over our MGS for the next 2 years and shall keep in mind the trust and belief I have in my fellow Board Members, the Office Staff and the teachers. I am looking forward to working closely with each of them, our service committees and volunteers.
We shall try our best to keep up the positive momentum and continue to foster the friendship between Malaysians and Germans, thereby counting also on the support from local and German companies.

You should share my pride in our MGS for all that has been accomplished under its past presidents and those who have worked hard and devoted personal resources to lend to the vision in moving forward.

MGS will continue to offer language courses, where German is taught by very qualified teachers to ensure our students not only achieve high levels of proficiency but also enjoy attending their classes. Further, the MGS will organize cultural and social events to meet with one another as members, friends and visitors esp. the Oktoberfest, the Christmas Bazaar, the MaiBall, the Movie Nights, Coffee Mornings, Book Circles and BBQ parties.
Please have a look at our e-newsletter and our printed quarterly newsletter, check us out on facebook, on the MGS Webpage or contact us directly via email or telephone to learn more about upcoming events and language courses.

Finally I would like to personally even strengthen the good reputation of the MGS and to encourage you to reach out to us and to make use of our offers.

Kindly appreciate that we want the MGS to remain the well established friendship society it is today.


Dr. Achim Lauermann
June, 2014



What's going on

Mark the dates!
16 May: MaiBall, 6:30pm
23 & 24 October: Oktoberfest

Sunday, 12 April, 3pm
Concert: Three-in-One
Dewan Budaya, USM

Thursday, 23 April,10am

Friday, 8 May, 8:30pm
Movie Night: Inbetween Worlds





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